Adult Work Experience Program


What is it?

The Adult Work Experience Program (WEX) increases business productivity at no direct cost. Through the design of the WEX Program, businesses host and train an eligible WEX participant at a position within the company, while all wages are paid through the Imperial County Workforce and Economic Development Office. The program allows businesses to receive new labor at no cost and allows participants the opportunity to learn new skills, gain valuable work experience, and showcase their abilities in order to be hired long-term. The WEX Program is a win-win for everyone involved.

Is my business eligible to host a WEX Participant/s?

A WEX may be within the private for-profit sector, the non-profit sector, or the public sector. Because WEX must be planned, structured learning experiences, the entity hosting the WEX participant that meets eligibility requirements must designate an appropriate manager to provide supervision and feedback to the participant at regular intervals during the course of the program.

What are the benefits of being a part of the WEX Program?

  • Save on training costs. All participant wages are paid by ICWEDO.

  • Assess the talent. The employer is under no obligation to offer regular employment to the participant at the conclusion of the WEX program, although the program is intended to provide employers with a pool of technically trained employees from which to fulfill future positions and reduce recruitment costs.

  • Increase productivity. A WEX participant can make real contributions to productivity now and help your full-time staff avoid becoming overburdened.

  • Foster leadership skills in current employees. As current employees mentor and supervise WEX participants, they’ll gain valuable leadership skills.

How do I get started?

Please contact your local AJCC or call (442) 265-7579.